It is recommended to wash the diapers and inserts twice before using them for the first time. This allows the fabric to gain maximum absorption and to get rid of the sewing threads that would have remained stuck during manufacturing.
Cleaning instructions
Snap the buttons on their flaps after use. Place soiled diapers in a laundry basket or a wet-bag for soiled diapers.
Wash the diapers every 2-3 days. Do not soak or rinse diapers during this process as they should remain as dry as possible. If you rinse your diapers, you should hang them to air dry and wash them within the following 24 hours.
- Note that it is not necessary to remove the inserts before washing our diapers; they will come out automatically due to the double opening pocket.
- Do not soak the diapers. They must be kept dry.
- A good storage solution should leave no odor.
Make sure all snap buttons are well closed.
Rinse with cold water to get rid of any residue. Then do a regular wash cycle with warm water (40º) and with soap that does not contain fabric softener.
Do not use baby detergent, as it is not concentrated enough to properly wash the diapers.
- If you have hard water, do not rinse a second time; use a powder detergent instead.
- Do not put too much water in the washer. The diapers must rub against each other.
The inserts can go to the dryer. You can also machine dry the diapers if you take care not to manipulate them when they are hot and not to overdry them. This step tightens the threads and “reseals” the Polyurethane Laminate (PUL) that covers the outer fabric (the waterproof membrane). We strongly advise you to sun dry your inserts and diapers since it’s an excellent whitener and a great antibacterial agent. Note, however, that sun drying your diapers often might dry the rubber bands and could wear them out prematurely.
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