An exquisite bouquet of tea deliciously flavoured with spices.
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Discover Justea's African chai tea, an exquisite bouquet of tea deliciously flavoured with spices.
A unique and delicious African blend that will take you on a journey of exotic flavours and aromas.
Ingredients :
Classic cardamom chai tea, Rainforest Alliance Kenyan black tea, allspice, cloves, fennel, cinnamon, liquorice root, ginger, black pepper, rose petals.
Gluten-free and vegan.
Canadian company
The history of Chai Justea tea
‘Jacob was our founding father in Kenya. We honour Mzee's life by partnering with farmers and making the best tea possible! At JusTea, we are dedicated to fair trade and tea directly from the farmers, which benefits Kenyan farming families by providing fair wages and stable employment opportunities.’
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